Feb 15, 2024

General Dentistry in Rockport

Do you know the most common problem in oral health? It’s dental crowding which is basically the overlapping of teeth.

If that relates, you need to Google search ‘dental office near me’ and book your appointment. Till then learn more in this article.

What is Dental Crowding?

Crowding is a dental malposition of teeth caused by spacing issues, thus overlapping them.

Dental crowding is a pretty common issue in children as well as adults. If you are facing a dental crowding-like problem, you can visit your nearest branch of Allwyn Dental. Also, remember dental crowding doesn’t just cause aesthetic problems but also affects your health, as they are difficult to clean.

Signs of Dental Crowding

There are certain signs to check whether your teeth are crowded or if you are concerned about your child’s crooked teeth.

●      Crossbite

●      Jaw pain

●      Discomfort with biting

●      Excessive overjet

●      Gum bleeding while flossing

●      Trouble biting or chewing

●      Difficulty in flossing and brushing

If you are experiencing any of the above-given problems, it’s time to opt for general dentistry in Rockport.

Causes of Dental Crowding

Dental crowding can be caused by various factors, but genetics is considered one of the major factors. If your jaws are small, it can affect your teeth crow, resulting in dental crowding.

Other factors of dental crowding are:

●      Extra tooth growth

●      Large size of teeth (caused by some syndrome)

●      Losing of baby teeth ahead of time

●      Abnormal tooth growth

How Bad Crowding Is For Your Teeth?

If you have difficulty eating or have tooth discomfort when biting, it’s a sign of dental crowding. You should definitely get it checked at Allwyn Dental, as they are best known for general dentistry in Rockport, TX.

When left untreated, dental crowding can lead to serious issues that are not just limited to your teeth but your overall health. When teeth are crowded, they are tough to clean. This also increases the chances of plaque and bacteria build-up.

Problems caused by dental crowding:

●      Aching jaw or teeth

●      Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)

●      Feeling embarrassed while smiling

●      Gum or periodontal disease

If you have crowded teeth or your kids have crooked teeth, it’s best to book an appointment with Allwyn Dental.